>>6969423I don't think you should have glass cases when you have kids that young.
If you can teach them not to be rowdy around them, then you can teach them not to touch your shit.
>>6969435>implying /toy/ isn't full of contrarians who will do the opposite if they don't like the person.little kids everywhere and sadly, adults with little kid mentalities.
Nevermind a couple of people in this thread were accused of being me for going with my viewpoint, but i guess that's all samefag because you can't handle the fact that wobbly Detolfs were always seen as bad furniture.
And I guess you're going to claim everyone else was samefag since /toy/ started.
Nevermind that it literally is shitty furniture and is pretty much only liked because it's THE cheapest glass case on the market. Just because it's cheap doesn't mean it's good.
However, when you're buying that many Detolfs, other furniture is suddenly in your price range and custom building your own is no longer expensive.
Pic of sturdy furniture that can be viewed from more angles without being obscured