>>10793277Just got the Hiya G'19 figure. Some initial thoughts:
>it's a big figure>finally color accurate gray>chest highlights too bright/saturated color>good weight>plastic feels gummy compared to the monsterarts>smells exactly like a NECA figure, wonder if it's the same type of plastic>feels like a NECA figure. but it feels better than their godzilla offerings. i think they dropped the ball on those and were lesser quality than their other figures.>eyes are not facing forward on my copy, more to the left on each eye. though they are so small it's hard to see them. the monsterarts wins out in terms of how they did the eyes. on that figure it feels almost like a glass eye or it's a separate piece of plastic placed in the head, it has a reflective quality that pops. the hiya one's eyes almost blend into the rest of the sculpt and lack that 'life' that the monsterarts has.>good figure for 50 bucks>the cuts made for articulation are significantly less noticeable in person compared to videos ive seen