>>6041768>>6041769>Ryu gets a total of four hands>Chun-li gets a total of eight handsFucking WHY. Even the Storm Collectibles Ryu has eight hands. So does Bison. So does Ken. You can't even do a lot of the poses Ryu does because he doesn't have the hands for them. They want you to re-use one set for charging hadouken, throwing hadouken and for any kind of open hand karate pose despite the fact his fingers look FUCKING DIFFERENT in all those poses. Bandai being cheapskates with hands is getting frustrating.
See this pose? You can't fucking do it now. Also the hadouken release should have less curved inward and more splayed outward fingers. Which you know...makes total fucking sense. God fucking damn it i'm pissed as hell. Don't even get me started on the gi looking like a hard piece of plastic that will limit articulation and totally prevent iconic poses from looking natural.