>>6465311>takara meanwhile is far more expensive even for their own, smaller, intended market with less product made because they don't account for western buyers >qc issues are less common, or least people think they are until those outside of japan point out such an expensive product shouldn't have such flaws>takara being the chief designers of the products hates the limitations hasbro and thus retailers in general try to impose so with the mp line they're only constraint is what is "accurate" which can range from slave to a badly drawn cartoon to holy shit its just like I remembered from my show but real!>to differ themselves from hasbro since they use their main retail molds and because less distribution cost they can afford to use more paint on their products, though in some cases it gets to the point where they might as well be statue shit as handling them can actually damage said paint jobs>Even if takara releases an mp exclusively/does it first it is no mean immune to bad qc, paint flake to just terribly assembly and on mp's that cost so much it should NOT happen at all>you can only buy so many due to budgetary concerns unless you have great self control or stick to one lineI miss the generations line in terms of paint apps but when will hasbro and takara just sit down and do what we really need, and just make them ALL the same, like the tlk line?
MP's can *sorta* stay the same (and if hasbro imports them over they should just bring them as is, in Australia and asia they even get them in takara boxes and not rely on the hasbro boxed versions) but for the mainline they need to cut out the whole "variance", sure collectors might miss takara being so garish and hasbro's excuse of toy accuracy, but we wouldn't need to stalk japanese websites to pre-order our plastic crack if its the exact same stuff, now would we?
Oh well, back to collecting we go