>>73554731. Start to rearrange your room to have more stocking places.
For example, change your bed for one that has drawers under the mattress.
Buy a chest drawer if you still have the place.
2. Make room in your existing closet by getting rid of unnecessary clothes. If you're a burger you have probably too much. Look up for capsule wardrobe on the net to see what is really necessary to own.
3.Now that you have more place to stock your collection, it's time to see if it can take less space. Maybe you should considere unboxing some of your stuff if it doesn't have much reselling value in order to store them with other toys together in a plastic box.
4. if you can't neatly store all of your toys in your closet/drawers. It's time getting rid of the stuff you don't like that much and get it to the thriftstore so a kid can get them and enjoy them or another toy-hoarder ccan use them to clutter their Mc mansion and make it unlivable.