>>8905840T>someone asks what kind of human miniature figures or vehicles match with high grade
>I post about micro machines mixing ok and n scale train buildings and such making a good match up. >banned for 3 days>off topic >this is the /m/echa board discuss trains on >>/toy/Stopped posting on /m/ ever since. Only thing I can say is I did start a shitstorm when someone said acrylic paint can NOT be thinned enough for use as a panel liner. I posted a shitty gmgm I built and panel lined and the goal post moved to so you can but shouldnt because there are actual products to use etc etc. I just wanted to give an alternative method not discredit it. But come on man. $8 tamiya panel liner vs $1 acrylic paint and water. You could get a bottle of white and black and mix greys and thin them. Oh and their argument was try it on a painted kit too when they moved goalposts. Also posting literal acrylic premixed panel liner resulted in a 24 hour ban and thenpost removed. I swear its got to be a jannie just fucking with posters over on/m/.
Also the alan nut stripped on the nippers and again the blade literally bends when cutting. Divots like fucking nothing Ive ever seen before and I started building gunpla with fucking nail clippers and never had divots like that. Thankfully they are easy enough to fix with bits of sprue and tamiya cement.
>>8905833I see. So youre not exactly painting gunpla but other stuff. Yeah when I paint a room in a house I do need at least a good 5 gallon air tank at the very minimum. But this is gunpla modeling not home remodeling. Also a self admitted poor fag so I was trying to give him a cheaper way to get into airbrushing/compressors. If that makes any sense.