The Swedish air force around WW2 doesn't appear to have seen any point in using nay paints beyond the basic camo ones, so not much detail painting to be done here once the panel highlights have been airbrushed on.
Decals were thick, sturdy, and almost impervious to MicroSol. Add in the very narrow, shallow, and somewhat soft panel lines of the kit itself and panel lining across them will probably be more hand painting than capillary action. On the plus side this means that if you, as a purely hypothetical example, manage to put the division insignias (a bomb-carrying mosquito with a machine gun nose ) on the wrong side it isn't too hard to switch them around.
And with one destroyer showing up missing a part and the shipping for the other probably playing bumper cars with the USN at the moment I decided to go for something that should go together with a bit less effort than another Marivox kit for the next build. Might get political after that, we'll see what turns up in the mail.