>>7545219I sort of storyline it.
I have a webcomic I am planning but it will likely be ages before it materializes. In the meantime I figure who belongs in it and if they don't fit into the universe I created then I don't buy it.
FOr example the S.H. Figuarts Kinnikuman line is really nice and I want all of them, but only Kinnikuman and maybe BUffalo man (because he comes with a Meat figure) would work in my little world.
I also play with my figures so I've started to play with them in context with the world and do poses and whatnot that fit into the narrative I've written.
Long winded, I know, but when every figure is a cast member you tend not to overcast and you will find less impulse to buy a figure that will just sit around.
Obviously your mileage may vary but that's my advice.