>>6175689> I don't remember seeing them as this amazing that ate up all my time.Are you fucking joking?
How many games did you even have?
Fucking VGs was life and at school everyone was a gamer, except for the nerds whose parents denied them a childhood.
I don't think anything has changed with how kids perceive video games and play with them.
>>6175767>With the help of marketing, now not only have video games become normalized Marketting did shit but make console fanboys. The ONLY thing that normalized video games is that people like myself continued playing video games into adulthood. This is why the median age for gamers is 35.
>more gamers are over the age of 36 than between the ages of 18 to 35 or under the age of 18. Back in the 80s and 90s, the average gamer was a kid. Almost all growth in the industry is from adult gamers, while you can't get kids to be gamers anymore today than back in the day.