>>6466378Tonight's figure to open is Entrapta.
Overall, not bad. Not great either. The $15 I paid seems about right for what I got.
Very few MOTUC female figures stand on an equal footing to the average male one, and Entrapta is no exception. There's not a great hook of appeal with her figure, so she comes across as fairly plain and by the numbers. The hair was done pretty well in terms of sculpt, but it's not dynamic enough to be a cool and defining feature. She's supposed to capture things with her hair, but the hair's joints can't even break the plane of her face in forward movement. So in effect she's just stuck kind of capturing things that will always be to the side of her head and never to the front of her vision. The joints don't really add to that gimmick in the least; they seem more like dynamic pose enhancers. But they're heavy as fuck, so they throw the balance of Entrapta off immensely and make posing difficult.
It is a really nice looking figure. She's got a mean/sexy villainess look to her face, and the outfit is eye catching. For building a menagerie of females for the line, she is a welcome addition.
Still wouldn't recommend it to a casual collector of the line, though.