>>8835144 (checked)>>8835162Thanks, gents. I guess if I'm just doing finishing work on the doll, I'll leave the head on and deal with the flopping hair. Saves on time, wear, and tear. Good to know though, for any future head transplants
Last night, instead of being productive at all, I was fucking with the two dolls I have, and swapped their clothes. Things went well. The "trick or chic" Babs witch outfit, which is pretty slinky, but stretchy, went on without issue. The only thing I couldn't swap was the boots, it seems curvys actually have toes, so longer footwear is needed.
Also, I swear I kept hearing a faint "ara ara!" last night while shooting. Even now, looking at this picture, I can almost hear it...
Got a bunch of Bab-related loot in the mail today, including a shitload of used clothes and accessories, and best of all, my 1991 presidential Barbie! She's eventually getting a MAGA hat and a rifle.