>>9440646>implying there can be only one golden goosedumb.
Also, you realize that Overwatch got dumped hard by retailers, right? Shit went on CLEARANCE fast and started showing up in places like Ross fast too. Literally one wave in. If sales were poor, everyone on /toy/ would be buying that shit up for cheap right now.
Almost the same shit happened with Target exclusives in 2010 started showing up in discount stores with the last few waves of GI Joe movie figuers. Hell, even Pursuit of Cobra vehicles showed up in Rosses almost at the same time they showed up in retailers like Walmart and Target.
ALL of that is stock that got dumped/went unsold, because sales were too poor to actually put them on their shelves. Nation wide.
I got some great deals at Target, Walmart, Ross, Marshals, and TJ Maxx, because lines that sold poorly got clearanced out.
But hey, nice of you to pretend you think you know something, based on... what? Because a toyline doesn't get as many figures made as some super popular toyline like Marvel or Transformers? Might as well claim that Costco is going out of business because it doesn't make as much money as Walmart does. Plain fucking retarded.
Even more retarded is believing some CEO would just kill brand, when it's plainly obvious sales are still good (hence still making shit) and the fact that Hasbro needs to continue pushing their own shit to continue making money. They can't rely on just licenses, hence them PUSHING THEIR OWN PROPERTIES so much in the past 20 years.
To claim they'll do the opposite based on nothing just shows you don't understand some very simple concepts.