>>6322299At present, the war is over, many decepticons have turned their lives around, and Optimus is trying to establish a Cybertron colony on an earth where GI Joe, MASK, ROM Space Knight and the Micronauts exist.
Skywarp is working with GI Joe, Thundercracker is trying to be a screenwriter and has a pet dog he dotes over and a BFF lady he's trying to help out.
Starscream is president of Cybertron.
Rodimus is out exploring the galaxy with Megatron as co-captain of his space ship as part of Megs' sentence for his trial and they're stuck in an alternate universe after getting mutiny'd because it turns out palling around with Megs rustled some jimmies in the ranks.
Soundwave is trying to build a communist paradise in a space station off Jupiter.
And so much more.