>>6429818Not the TR boosting anon but wanted to post in support of him. TR is a fun line, and if you can't see that then you have your head up your own autistic ass. Also no business sense. If you want slavish adherence to G1 you have the MP line and 3rd parties now. The main Classics/Generations/whatever line should always be a bit more experimental, otherwise the entire franchise will get driven into the ground with the same fucking figures overlapping.
Besides, you may not realize this, having grown up with TF Prime, but the original G1 figures were all based around the conceit of having pilots. It always bugged me that G1 Prime had five cockpits and no figures to fit in them.
Finally, your point about the figures being unpainted is moot, unless you're too much of a poorfag to buy the Takara releases.