>>9985505>You said yourself nobody really cares about early Joe stuff.60s GI Joe. Not 80s, which is what everything is based on since... the 80s.
>You underestimate the power of small groups of idiots shouting at the top of their lungs.Marvel Legends probably has many more collectors than GI Joe collectors, yet collectors screeching led to nothing for years and years and years. When Hasbro became the licensor for Marvel toys and released their inferior MLs, 99.99999% of collectors screeched to get that fixed, but instead Hasbro switched the scale.
After years and years and years of collectors crying about the scale, they switched back, but only because they could profit more from larger figures, thanks to rising costs.
When people bitched about the 1:18 MU figures being dumbed down, they killed the line instead. After what seemed like decades about pin joints, they switched that.
There's maybe a million examples of how fans bitching gets nothing or takes years for any change to happen. Whereas with Gi Joe, you do see pretty clear cut actions taking place, based on demands from collectors.
>Marvel isn't directly comparable as people have other options from other companies.Are you stupid? The fact that there are competitors would make them more likely to change shit to keep fans happen. Nevermind all the aforementioned changes based on whining and double nevermind shit i didn't even mention, like the ankle rockers GI Joes first got.
>Aren't you the guy who calls $50 toys "overpriced" but will defend worse figures of twice that cost from "poorfags"?People get offended i call something overpriced for being overpriced. I buy overpriced shit all the time, but I'm not pretending it's not like so many fanboys on /toy/.
>Mezco doesn't sell their weapons separatelyThey sell weapon packs, just like McFarlane, and have already released 3 packs. And their toys that come with multi-part painted weapons don't cost double just because they're included