>>8598148Just make sure it's not Sculpey III, that shit shatters to pieces if you look at it wrong. Also, make sure to use aluminum foil and wire as a core. How much experience do you have making plushies? What kinda critter are you gonna make?
Here's an excerpt from my Phascomon pattern that might be helpful for your project.
(I really should have marked the right/wrong sides of the fabric on this diagram. 4 and 5 are wrong side out, 6 and 7 are right side out.)
I like sculpting a flange onto the base of the clay part. Then I secure the inside out plush part with upholstery thread, and turn the fabric right side out. Nice and secure without the headache of gluing fabric.
>>8598123Yeah, look up "art doll tutorial"
>>8598384>>8598392That's an extra cute lapras