>>10255434>>10242163Reminder that this thread was made by a mentally ill individual who has repeatedly admitted to trolling outside of /b/ (a bannable offense), is a known ban evader, has no interest in actual discussion to the point of driving away people who actually wish to talk about toys, and has admitted that his goal is to "fix this board" by systematically eliminating generals, starting with /tfg/, and believes he's completely in the right and that everyone owes him an apology for daring to oppose him.
He is also the Retrospammer, and is the person responsible for creating all of the disingenuous question threads that keep popping up as 'slide threads' that exist solely to push other non-bumping threads off the catalog.
All actual toy discussion, reviews, and news will continue in the REAL current thread, which is still active despite this insufferable asshole's insistence otherwise:
>>10254078>>10254078>>10254078A new thread (with pastebins) will be created at page 9 regardless of this thread's status on the board, and all discussion will move with it.
I implore anyone with any sensibility to leave the troll here to starve - do not reply to the troll, do not humanize the troll, do not acknowledge the troll. Remember: /Toy/ is a slow board, and making threads as soon as the old one hits bump limit WILL clutter the catalog with half-used threads, which is this guy's goal. Remember to report the OP for Spamming/Flooding, then ignore the thread; if you feel you absolutely MUST respond, be sure to type 'sage' (without the quotes) into the Options field of your post to avoid bumping his thread(s) (he'll bump them anyway, but it'll be obvious it's him doing it).
As for the Arcee in the OP - looks like ass. I had been hoping it would be an improvement over the previously revealed Core version, but this somehow looks even worse. Bravo, Hasbro.