>>7127971PART TWO: Dolls you might like under $300
Luts Kid Delf Dolls
>http://dec712241.gdreamweb.com/shop/step_submain.php?b_code=B20101202055721You seem to like the cute, squishy face sculpts. They're adorable. Lots of people like that look. Here are some more dolls you might enjoy with the same aesthetic.
RingDoll <45CM dolls
They're fancy! They're on sale! They might be what you're looking for? I like RingDoll's aesthetic. You might like the Julia 1/4 scale they have. Pic related.
>https://bluefairyint.com/shop/step_submain.php?b_code=B20050629121128Haven't ordered from them myself, but I see a lot of people who are big fans of the company.
LatiDoll Yern
>http://www.latidoll.com/2007_en/index.htm?mode=product_view&big=4&mid=8&num=461Not sure why the company styles their dolls like ass, because this doll can actually look good despite what these stock photos would have you believe. I'm gonna find a good photo of her for you.