>>11130965Here he is unboxed. I don't think he's a bootleg, but I don't have a very good frame of reference. The eyes are very cleanly painted and he seems to be well-shaded throughout. The bootlegs seem to be more solid green with rough eye / teeth paint. The video I looked up that detailed how the bootleg was said the bootlegs smelled bad though and mine smells somewhat strongly like chemicals. Mine has a holographic sticker on the box like the original is supposed to and tape that says Daiki on the top and bottom where the bootleg seems to have no sticker and regular tape on both flaps. Could anyone that has him or possibly even has the original and the bootleg weigh in on the differences?
>>11131250I've never heard of that but those guys look awesome. I love tribal kind of stuff like that. I might get some of those. I don't know anything about genshin impact except that it's a gacha with cute anime looking girls but I could definitely see those guys as like goblin shamans. I'm not too picky so I could put them with lot of stuff they vaguely remind me of like Zelda figures.