>>9559165>be me, 14 years old ages ago>summertime>mom makes me do the chores>but moom i'm building models>whipcrack.wav>guess I'll go water the lawn>approach the garden hose with fear>warranted fear>ohshit.png>grab it with one hand>gingerly open the tap with the other>carefully >oh so carefully now>too late>the blond, frowning man zips out of the spout in a gray blur, vanishing into the keyhole>wrecking sounds erupt from my upstairs room>desperately run inside, leaping two steps at a time>ipen the door to a scene of utter chaos>all models on my shelves are smashed to pieces>there is no one inside>the curtains are softly flapping in a cold breezemfw i get all ny models wrecked for unknowingly letting him into my hose.