>>5342301So yeah, to sum it up, the articulation is a mixed bag. he has two points of articulation in his torso, but neither has much forward or backward range thought he can go as left and right as you like.
Shoulder have great range, he can lift his sword above his head. Elbows are not so great, about 45 degrees is all your going to get.
Hips have great range, you can get some nice wide stances with his feet both flat on the ground thanks to his ankle tilt.
The knees get pretty close 90 which is nice, but I think kneeling poses are pretty much out of the question.
I think everyone knew that the sculpt was going to prioritized over articulation right? I mean none of this should come as a surprise to anyone.
The paint is above average for this price point, as is the sculpt. I mean $20 I dont think you could get much better.
My only real complaint is getting the sword into the hand, but that be fixed pretty easy.
Thats all the pics I have unless someone has requests.