>>7770458>but unless they found a way to completely hide his tires, it wouldn't truly look like a G1 Soundwave in robot mode,Honestly, who cares if his robot mode is hyper slavish to G1? Nobody complains when updated Megatron has tank treads, or if Shocky has treads OR wings. So long as they don't thow off the silhouette too much it's fine. A little more liberty has to be given to the Micro Change guys unless you still want them to be Micro Change. Even Siege Megatron has tank treads, and this is the most slavish G1 line we've had yet.
I personally like IDW's take of an APC with a bunch of SIGINT gear on top. It fills both roles of his original tapedeck mode while being a practical altmode, and is able to lend a G1 silhouette to the robot.