>>9238662I'll never understand what retard designs those photo etch fails. They are nearly impossible to glue on because there's literally no surface area for the glue to attach to the brass because you're putting them on vertically meaning the glue has to stick to something that's 0.01mm thick, it just doesn't work.
They should all be like my over 9000 hours in mspaint pic related, each rail should have a little tab on the end that you bend 90 degrees to glue onto the plastic, gives you a much larger surface area for the glue to stick to and the rail will glue to the model without any trouble or trying to hold the fucking thing with tweezers for 5 minutes while the glue dries before capillary action takes that shit and glues the rail to the tweezers and now you can't remove them without damaging the piece.
Only kit I ever encountered that did this was a Hasegawa photo etch set I got for their 1/350 Shimakaze. All the rails in this kit used this system, the ones on the funnels, turrets and hand rails for the ship and you can't even see the tabs at all because they just blend into the plastic. It was the only time I worked with photo etch where I felt the designer actually gave a fuck and wanted to make it easier for the builder.