The bottom left one looks like that one ultraman guy of whome someone posted a figure with a great butt
the Skeletorish one face looks like that godzilla baby now that I think about it.
I only own a Anubi whose legs i need to fix, a almost completely solid hunk of plastic with moveable arms and head with a sort of doggy head. (it was one like the Sahak ripoff in pic related, I think made in mexico wich is weird as I found it in a thrifstore in Italy)
I think my sungold warrior Sahak might be a "turly gang" recast as it's a bit smaller than my anubi. I think I had more sungold stuff but I'll have to dig them up. They were human so as a teenager who only liked goofy monsters i dunked them with the less liked figures.
I still hope to one day get better at customizing and adding goofy animal or monster heads that can attach to origins bodies. Can't get enough of those.