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The thing that annoys me about the Turtle Rangers (and whenever the Boom comics features an OC Ranger, really, but the Turtles are just the most well known example) is Boom's insistence on... I'm not even sure what you'd call it, but where the morphed Ranger suit varies depending on the appearance of the person morphing. Like, there's no reason that the Turtles and Shredder don't just morph into the MMPR as we see them on the show, but instead we get the Turtle Rangers and Green Shredder because... they're turtles and Shredder has armor on, I guess? They did something similar in an issue of Go Go Power Rangers, showing an alien who'd stolen the Dragon Coin from Rita, and they looked roughly the same, except the gloves had three fingers.
What bugs me is that that's not how morphing works. I get the logic they're trying to go with - THIS is what the MMPR suits look like on tiny little humans and THIS is what the MMPR suits look like on big mutant turtles - but we've SEEN non-humans with weird shaped bodies morph into Rangers (the Aquitians, Doggie Cruger, Zenowing, Steel) and they still morph into regular human-shaped Rangers. Morphers don't customize by species. It doesn't matter what you are, you're "human" when you're morphed. And Shredder is the worst offender because at least the Turtles and the alien thief are because that how their actual bodies are shaped. Shredder just happens to be wearing other clothes beneath his Ranger suit. You're telling me that if Zack or Jason morphed while wearing a backpack or their football uniform or even a large enough hat, that the Black or Red Ranger would look completely different? Shit's fucking stupid.