>>9972423Those are actual finished figures? I really want a blank Cyber Mama, but other than that I don't see anything else from Knights of the Slice I really want. Them and Rocom seem a bit pricy for what few parts you get; and they don't have as nice coloring as a bunch of the past TheGodBeast releases does, either.
>>9972486I tried every which way to get the small scarf on, but it just doesn't seem to have enough clearance for the head to go on.
>>9972506I figured I'd do the ol' boil and pop on them. Luckily upon first getting them, I didn't have too much trouble pulling them apart. These little things were tricky; I just kept popping them onto a peg, then pulling them off to try and get the small piece off.
>>9973071I'm quite happy with all his heads. Will have to switch them occasionally.
>>9973230I love the Blacktron schemes! I was going to paint my basic Pheyden as a Blacktron, but upon getting him and seeing their more Coffee brown than actual black brown, I', going to keep him as is.
>>9974891Who's blog?