>>9066847Sorry, for both a late reply and a pose/pic not much different from that original post; but felt I needed to redo the panel lining again.
>Always liked the Zeong-esque colour and plot aspects of this design.Same, that cold-grey really marks it as a decent villain MS scheme. A shame the all-plastic one I went for has a grey that's more neutral or warm. MRD is a lot closer to what I expect on a Providence, but it was a bit too much trim and metallics like that bright red; that pop out a bit too much for me.
>How is it as a figure?Have to mention this the older all-plastic Providence as well just to be sure. Still as a figure, it's pretty okay.
Bought for cheap because of 'loose legs' as described on the Mandarake AD, though they didn't mention minor-level scratches all over the figure that was a bit worrying before I smoothened them out. For the 5K Yen I paid for an exclusive figure like this, easy enough to fix when it's on bare plastic mostly; and only a little on the painted sections.
Chief worries were the balancing, and joint reliability. DRAGOON thruster pack is likely more hollow than I thought, so balance is pretty good; it's more the beam rifle and the beam saber part together on the figure that makes it get tipsy and topple over. Joints aside from the legs had no real problems, though after the soap bath the rear attachment joints for the smaller DG pods got a bit too tight and developed a annoying squeaking before I settled to just loosened them up a smidgen to get rid of the squeak.
Not a big Providence fan, more into the Legend really. Still for a decent price like this, happy I was able to get it. Just a bit of a shame that when/if the latter is made, likely will be a MRD release only.
As well, have my last three GM Customs incoming; with a GP03 Gundam I got in a cash/trade deal incoming. Any anons here with the GP03 have any tips/warnings for it? Was gonna pass on it, so didn't catch impressions/opinions here when it released.