>Go on reddit r/modelmakers>scrolling down>see someone did a Yamato build, post is 12 hours old yet has less than 100 upvotes>legitimately a fantastic job done>keep scrolling>tons of really mediocre / pointless shit with way more attention>all these retards that post WIP of every stupid thing they do>boomer's workstation literally 700 upvotes>some other guy just posting a picture of a box gets more attention than this>a guy that literally posted some landing gear for an aircraft has more attention than this guy's yamato / yukikaze dioramaI hate reddit. I fucking hate it so much. I swear all you have to do to get attention there is say "First time doing X!" or "first plane I've ever made!" or some sob story and all the idiots upvote your post.
Anyways kind of an off topic vent but that place can just be so fucking annoying.
Here's the guys yamato by the way