>>5865175>AHL waddles off in a huff>Call a manager giving them a description of her and that she needs help in video>”Okay, be out there.”>Apparently manager gets caught and has to help someone else>AHL comes back through my line, which I finally got down>She has one VHS in hand to check out>Hello, ma’am, were you able to find it?>”I DON’T KNOW. NOBODY CAME TO HELP ME.”>Nervously eye the VHS. Oh, honey… that movie is two VHS long. >Thinking FUCK FUCK FUCK. SHE WAS ALREADY MAD. >”WHAT? THIS WAS THE ONLY ONE BACK THERE.”>She’s getting even angrier. >I ask to see it to make sure it was tape 1 or tape 2>I grab it as she tries to hand it to me, but for whatever reason tries to pull it away from me.>Tug-of-war unintentionally begins>I’m a huge dumbass that doesn’t let her have itMy manager let it slide because we had so little floor coverage, but I did end up quitting a month later because I had another job at the time.