>>5332175Nobody is playing the victim here at all, dipshit. Who would be? Do you even think about the things you type before mashing on the keys with your giant mongoloid tongue?
Here's the difference between everyone you claim to be the same person persecuting you and you: You are NECAnon because you flat out repeat the exact same shit and always fit the same MO. You (or the person you're defending) are consistently triggered by the same thing over and over and can't possibly stop yourself from spewing your apologist trash. NECAnon always falls into the same pit consistently and without fail, while it's pretty clear that there's various posters who aren't the same who do call you on it. I personally silently observe and report 9/10 threads while NECAnon claims anyone and everyone with problems is the same troll over and over. In keeping my distance, it's been pretty fucking easy to tell who's who.
Anybody can see this. It's happened enough times to observe and note the patterns of NECAnon's behavior. He is up there with all the other moron trolls who constantly do the same shit every day. Complaint with NECA? NECAnon appears to tell you the same thing over and over while claiming everyone who has even the slightest issue with the company's products is the same person lying with the express intent of riling them up, which is flat out ridiculous. Nobody is spinning in their office chair all day thinking up new ways to fuck with you, you're just a paranoid sad sap faggot.