>>10024235It was actually about ten years per update, but yeah.
3rd Ed Ork Codex - 1999
4th Ed Ork Codex - 2008 (9 years)
7th Ed Ork Codex - 2014 (6 years, skipped two editions)
20 years might refer to:
2nd Ed Tyranid Codex - 1993 (Includes complete Genestealer Cult Army list and rules supplement)
7th Ed Genestealer Cults - 2016 (23 years)
Guess which armies I collect.
I do love going into GW now and have the guy who clearly recognises me fulfil his job requirements by taking a shot of kool aid before coming to say hi, knowing I'm bitter.
"Hey, what armies are you working on?"
"Nothing right now, just got updated a few years ago, it'll be another ten years before I get something new."
"WeLl ThE sPaCe MaRiNeS jUsT gOt SoMeThInG, iF yOu WaNnA cHeCk It OuT"
That same conversation is probably accurate for every month for the last 20 years.
>>10024030>There's just too much stuff. between space marines, space marines, imperial guard, who cares, and space marines>>10024110>And that’s a good thing. There’s a little bit of everything to make any space marine happyIf we're being honest I might actually be tempted to buy a Crimson Fists figure or two, the literal poster child for GW in RT days and 3rd Ed days, before they went full retard with ultramarines wank. Or maybe a mechanicus dude to wander my shelves and maintain the other toy's tech.
But if you consider a squad of the least generic orks enough to keep every xenos player happy then... that's cute. Also, I'm genuinely surprised both Joytoy and McFarlane have gone way out of their way to prevent their ork releases from being army buildable, even as a "dead bodies for the SPACE MARINES to fight" way. It looks like they are forbidden from producing a likeness of any kit made pre ~2018, so that's not great for my classic tyranid and ork collecting ass.