>>10036975Well the bar is not very high from McFarlane or indeed Western retail stuff full stop. But I'll assume you're arguing in good faith.
>ArticulationI actually feel like given the design and the budget the Space Marines are pretty decent. Like, double jointed knees and elbows, good range on most joints, balljointed torsos, etc. Before I would have expected an "oh well they're bulky figures, you can't make them pose well" excuse and a shitty twisted torso, but for £25 a pop at their size, and with their bulk? Pretty good.
The Genestealer is really poseable, as is the Sister. The Necron has some limitations, but I actually don't mind it and I haven't found him struggling to hit a pose I've wanted. I seem to recall the Orks are a bit bricky though.
>AccessoriesI wish they had alternate hands but again, for the price I'm not too bothered on the whole. Also the large amount of aftermarket stuff really helps.
>PaintSee if this were any other company I'd agree the paint is lacking but Todd's track record with paint has been...dire. Even his most vaunted McStatues look a bit pants up close from what I've seen, very "you get what you pay for". I will say the unpainted grenades and such do suck, though as I buy them with the intent of givign full paintjobs I'm cool with it. Again, easier to paint details on a well made figure than add joints to a heavily painted one.
>SculptI actually don't see what could be improved. Details are sharp, they're not overdetailed clusterfucks but have the details you'd expect. Love the sculpt on the Genestealer I have.
JoyToy definitely makes better finished figures but when you're paying double the price for a much smaller figure (yes I know bigger =/= more expensive all the time) you'd hope so!
I will also say the 40K McF line is one of the most customizer friendly lines in recent memory that isn't an actual model kit line and I'd like to see more stuff like that.