>>10065480He has such weird takes. Most of the other channels I've been watching were like "it's great that the HISS Tank succeeded and the Reva-saber failed, now Hasbro and Lucasfilm can see definitively what it actually is that fans want." But Michael French has been like "Haslab bad, GI Joe Classified bad," etc.
I appreciate that every community needs critical voices. Without them we may never have gotten classified Joes with more classic and military looking colors and weapons. I also appreciate signal boosting fan-made efforts and less marketed products. Michael has been taking things to the point of being contrarian though.
I would advise Michael to take some of his own advice, from one of his own videos where he tore apart elitist Star Wars collecting communities who ban people for collecting reproductions: if you don't like something then the burden is on you to not buy it, not the people who want it.
I criticize Hasbro all the time for things like bad sculpts, high prices, poor availability, shipping toys in cardboard boxed with no windows, moving away from "buy this moderately priced toy because it looks cool and it's fun" toward "buy this expensive toy because it's huge and it's an investment," particularly with the Star Wars Vintage collection (I like my compact and chunky Kenner scale toys, not giant movie-scale vehicles that cost $200). I agree with many of Michael's talking points especially regarding these subjects. In recent years though, he's been acting like a negative Nancy to the point where he always has to find some reasons to disqualify every product that comes out, even when it's a hit.
I absolutely hate just about everything having to do with Disney Star Wars. I'm still buying the Obi-Wan version of Vintage Collection Darth Vader though, because it's a great Vader figure. Either companies watch and learn from our buying habbits, or they keep subsidizing more rope to hang themselves. If they put out stuff I want though, I'll buy it.