>>10078204This reeks of viral marketing.
Ten bucks says McDonald’s is seeding stories like this to drive up hype as an experiment in whether they can get more adults buying more food and toys through artificial scarcity and casually withholding from normies that for YEARS now you’ve been able to request buying the toys by themselves without a meal.
Tiktok and twitter are the perfect vehicle for disseminating incomplete information for this sort of hype—there’s just enough character space for a tweet or duration for a video to show “HEY BRO MCD’S GOT TOYS GEARED TOWARDS ADULTS NOW AND THEY’RE RUNNING OUT, BETTER GET ONE FAST BEFORE THEY’RE OUT” without room to clarify any of what /toy/ considers common collector QoL knowledge: you can buy toys by themselves; they come in waves, so don’t panic but don’t expect to get them all in one trip; and be a decent human to the workers by making your request to look through the toy bin during SLOW hours.
At this rate it’s only a matter of time before McDonalds partners with Ebay to start milking the scalper aftermarket.