Long term, the industry is heading towards NFTs of toys replacing toys.
Short term will look more like this:
[[And next we have up for bid the latest most fantastic collectible statuette of Red Electra™ with New Sai Accessories from Hasbro Collectibles, folks. Limited to 10,000 pieces, engineered by their expert team in air conditioned, luxury apartments in downtown Belgrade, and each one with personalized tampography done by a starving Chinese man with humane suicide nets outside the factory windows.
Do I hear 38 dollars? The man with the scruffy beard for 40! How about 45-- any others? Oh the gentleman in the back for 45. Any other takers for this beautiful piece? The lady with the mustache in the front for 47, excellent. Do I hear 50? 30 for this wonderful piece? The man with the fedora in the back bids 50. Do I hear 55? Going once, going twice, SOLD to the man with the fedora for 50 dollars!]]