>>10173278>Is it better than the D3400 kit lens for /toyphoto/?I'm not a lens expert, but in a general sense, I'd say it is. The wide aperture is a lot nicer than what your kit lens provides, it will give you a really strong DOF. 35mm is a matter of preference though, I've come to really dislike fish-eye effects, and I prefer the look of longer focal lengths. Longer focal lengths will also improve the DOF. With that in mind, I've seen professional photogs who use 35mm to excellent effect.
>>10172475Sweet effects!
>>10171926Cool, I wanna experiment with UV stuff sometime too.
>>10169948Those are super easy to edit out with GIMP. The clone and healing tools are really useful for stray hair and the like.
>>10169336The slight motion blur on his cape is a really nice touch!
>>10173741You really nail the framing with these shots man. This makes me think of the renders you'd see when picking out a spec-ops stage. The slight haze in the background is the best part.
>>10175331Again, really fantastic framing. That rocky soil is nice too.
>>10181845I wish I had bought more of the COD stuff when it was coming out. These were some really fantastic and charming toys, which is in sharp contrast to most toys nowadays.
>>10189724Nice colors here, I like that location too.
>>10190135Nice, the foreground trees match up pretty well with the background ones.