>>10115334Actually, Hasbro released at least three "What-If" Zombies from the MCU, and from what I heard they were all pretty fun figures. Not sure if they'll do more, but that's actually way more zombies then I ever thought I'd see from Disney.
As for the Joe stuff, I'm pretty sure the Joe team said it was more execs being hesitant to make Zombie figures then anything else. There was a concept case full of figures, with tons of zombie versions, including Cobra Commander, that the Joe Team wanted to do as a subline or box set and was told no. The Joecon set was kind of inspired by those concepts and done instead, as Joecon didn't need executive approval on stuff like that, they just needed to get approval to use certain characters and sub teams. Any new mold parts belong to the guys who run Joecon and not Hasbro themselves.
As for the Joe movie, I believe that was more Paramount pushing back the film to covert it to 3D, which was the awful gimmick at the time. Most likely, it was delayed so it wouldn't be competing against the Avengers movie which just came out and steamrolled every record ever set at the time.
As for other Zombie toys, I know Locker Toys, which eventually got picked up by Boss FIght Studios, released a line of 1:18 Zombie/Survivor figures and Joytoy has pic related based on some game I never heard of.
I'll be honest, I was never too big into Zombies myself. But if I were, there's so many 1:18 options out there it would make for an amazing Z-day type display.