>>10174530You spend enough time on various boards, and you see that those types are already everywhere. Shitposters who come into threads and just try to stir shit crop up on nearly every board I visit. All you can really do is pay them no mind, because their whole gimmick is thriving for attention and trying wedge themselves into your head.
As much as people cringe at it these days, "board culture" used to be an actual thing here, and that's why things that seem so alien to people now, like meetups and stuff, were way more common years ago, and things like Secret Santa is sort of a holdover from the days where boards actually felt like little communities of people sharing their hobbies, and just having fun.
But times have changed, and people would prefer to just hate on each other, and be shitters to one another then to just let people have their fun. That's why you shouldn't worry so much about "maybes" and "what if a troll joins" and "what of someone's out to ruin the fun?" because if you're paranoid that its going to happen, then they don't even actually have to get involved, because they've already done what they set out to do, and that's ruin everyone else's fun.
This is only maybe the 3rd time I've done SS on /toy/ and I only did it maybe 2015 and 16, when there were different organizers, and like, 100 people who took part. Its gotten way smaller, but I also take part in /a/'s SS, and there's way more people who take part there. Like, even though their's has sort of declined in recent years, there's still usually 200-300 people that take part in all the gift, card, etc. exchanges.
There's always risks, sure, and you have to recognize that going in, but the chances of them happening are very low. The /toy/ SS organizer is the only one who actually vets people out, so there seems to be very little chance of someone spoiling it for someone else.