>>10190753I don't know, I recently played the series from ce (not on mcc, btw, so the best version of each), and I was having a blast playing these levels I played to oblivion when they first came out, except when I got to halo 4... Gameplay was so bland, and the story was so jarring, that I just couldn't slog through it. Halo 2 especially was particularly good, as well as fighting reach elites! Even in ce, I couldn't just bulldoze through jackals like you can in 343 games, them having their shields actually meant something! Vehicles in infinite were a lot tighter, at least, but that is one of the very few good points it gets. Cry subjectivity all you want, but nobody looks at 343 halo fondly, and I'm sure if you gave a kid that has never played/heard about halo every copy to play, most would pick a Bungie halo, with infinite probably getting some picks due to it's distinct "far cry" or whichever game pioneered the style gameplay.
Bungie halo was very good in the first place to leave an impression on us as it did, then years later of having such good memories does nostalgia kick in.
Also, Bungie halo flaws are very minimal compared to 343 halo flaws, saying one wasn't absolute perfection doesn't absolve the other of their mountain of flaws. To put in numbers, Bungie halos are all 90+/100 games, whereas halo infinite, by far 343's best halo game, is a 65 game, capable of becoming an 80 if they fixed the horrible flaws that are able to get fixed, such as adding split screen, because you can't fix the terrible story.