>>10248510>>10239008Not that anon, but I actually carried this thing around with me for about 3 years working at a fast food join that stocked bottle sodas from Mexico (no twist-offs, either) and it lasted the whole time; any tension or pressure was placed exclusively on the metal, and the forces involved weren't enough to bend the car to any noticeable degree. By the time I lost it most of the paint around the area had been scraped off, the little ledge that grips the cap rim was sorta chewed up, the ink on the plastic was totally gone, and one of the wheels was bent weird from how I carried it(I ran a keyring through the hole in the front of the...wheelwell? Front spoiler? I'm not sure what to call it, but you can see a hole there in the OP)
I'd guesstimate for my own consumption, customers asking, and coworkers asking, I'd have probably cracked open about 750+ bottles with the bastard, and it likely would've made it at least 100 more at least
Afaik most bottle caps are also aluminum, right? Or do beers typically use steel?