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Quoted By: >>10268035 >>10268043 >>10268055 >>10268072 >>10268091
You don't tip right anon? You don't support lazy people being given retarded salaries right? When I worked in kitchens as a linecook/dishnigger/prep. Every fucking place/job was the same making 9-13$ an hour working hard and stressful as fuck with long ass hours. Cuts burns bruises even your hearing getting fucked with for shit pay. And then hear the lazy fucking niggers crying BAWWWWWWWWW I ONLY MADE 250$ in tips tonight. ITS UNFAIR YOU MADE ALMOST 400. Every fucking place every fucking weekend the same shit. It was so enraging I refuse to every work in a kitchen again . Do all the work and some lazy nigger makes 3-7 times the pay. For doing literally nothing but taking a 5 second order and moving plates. Then bitching for orders to hurry up and be made. When their little nigger monkey brain still hasn't learned that this takes 20mins to make. its been 15 and there is 17 orders ahead of this. BAWWWW YOUR TAKING TO LONG BAWWW WHY DOES IT TAKE SO LONG FOR. BAWWWWW ITS TO HARD TO MOVE THE DISHES TO THE PUT IM JUST GOING TO DUMP THEM HERE. BAWWWW WHY ARE THE DISHES NOT CLEAN YET BAWWWW THEY'RE TO HOT BAWWW TO HEAVY YOU MOVE THEM BAWWW STOP YELLING AT ME TO MOVE THEM ITS NOT MY JOB TO MOVE DISHES ITS MY JOB TO PICK THEM UP. BAWWWW I ONLY MADE 438$ IN TIPS ON A 6 HOUR SHIFT WHEN EVERYONE ELSE WORKED 12.
Do not support these leeches. The lazyness and greed is getting out of control. Some bitch got offened I asked for my change on a 2.70 coffee when I handed them a 5 a few days ago. "Like wheres my change I gave you a five and you moved to the next guy" "I thought you gave this as a tip" "Why the fuck would I give a tip for a 3$ coffee " only to get some diry look. This shit need to get banned there should be no minwage thats lower because someone gets tips. Fuck this parasitic greedy kikeonomics.
Do not support these leeches. The lazyness and greed is getting out of control. Some bitch got offened I asked for my change on a 2.70 coffee when I handed them a 5 a few days ago. "Like wheres my change I gave you a five and you moved to the next guy" "I thought you gave this as a tip" "Why the fuck would I give a tip for a 3$ coffee " only to get some diry look. This shit need to get banned there should be no minwage thats lower because someone gets tips. Fuck this parasitic greedy kikeonomics.