>>10268029>Junkman then read his comment cause Chris to send Junkman a message that he will fly to the US and kill himSuch a low IQ, poorly written sentence that I do believe OP actually IS junkman. Junkman is a complete retard who pretended to be a girl to try to scam people out of their toys. Stan Solo (Chris Smith) is some kind of bipolar alcoholic asshole that flies off the handle on a whim (go on his facebook group and ask simple, innocent questions like maybe a figure you'd like to see him make and watch him foam at the mouth with rage!), but as a counterfeiter he makes good stuff.
Chris Smith recently banned one of his long time supporters because they sold a figure on ebay they had rightfully bought from Chris years previous, which went for about 4x what he'd paid. And every time he flies in to a rage on FB his "fans" suck up to him because they don't want a beating while daddy goes on his drunken rampage.
You should have seen Smith's epic meltdown about so many dumb things he's done, like getting screwed out of his molds by a Chinese factory due to his legal problems over a property he doesn't have legal rights to, and screaming about losing money on Indiana Jones prototypes made right before Hasbro announced their retros. (Hey, dumbass, that's what happens when you do shit illegally and don't have legal rights! Nobody feels sympathy for your poor business decisions!)
Chris Smith whines about how long it takes for figures to sell out (droids) then flies off the handle when they are worth collectors prices. Way to go idiot, encourage less sales by refusing to sell to people because of your drunken rages.
Junkman is a piece of shit, and Chris Smith (StanSolo) is a raging psycho with a criminal record for counterfeiting sports jerseys and legit did jail time for it. Both people suck, but Smith's counterfeits are far better than junkman's dumb videos.