>>10359453There's a lot to appreciate about the first two films, particularly 07 though, so growing up from the word "Go" thinking it was fucking sick but having a bunch of obnoxious (then)20-somethings online screaming about how it's bad for [reasons] just made me grow up extremely defensive and contrarian in favor of them. I am a monster of your own creation, bitch.
But yeah, shortly just I really appreciate their sound design, stunt choreography, soundtrack and designs. All or most of these go to shit from DotM-onward. I love the sound effects; they're all very unique and creative, ntm insanely memorable, even for mundane things like Blackout's spinning rotor or Prime's tires squealing on the road while he's transforming, etc. Also loved the edgy linkin park music, but hated when in 3 they got all depressed in tone; boring and mopey and shit fuck that. Animated and the films both really injected some needed creativity into TF designs, but the first two films had especially kickass Decepticons... Autobots were always hit or miss. Oh, and people don't really appreciate just how much of these were practical effects and stunts at all; watch a BtS vid sometime, it's insane how much dangerous crap they did - it's classic Hollywood, in my eyes. They'll always have my respect for that because it DID pay off in the final films, unlike modern blockbusters or even the later TF films where it's 90% cheap CG and greenscreen...