>>10500836I swear, they all purposefully have one unique trait that I don't like about them!
Banner sgt is everything I'd like, except for the red helmet with the stripe down the face, and the banner on his back. I can always mod these things, but I'd like to as little as possible. Also the only one with an unhelmed head.
Rocket guy is easy pass for me.
Other sgt has monocle piece, which I'm not a fan of, banana mag, and thingy on back, so that one is also an easy pass.
Hammer guy is cool, but I'd sort of rather go with the BA selection then.
That leaves vanilla plain guy, and the assault cannon guy. I'd be happy with either, but I'd always be looking enviously at banner sgt and his alt head + sword.
Maybe if I set up a trade I'd go banner sgt to swap his red helm for a plain white one, but that's a lot of work lol. Same with modding.
Probably gonna go super plain guy lol, as he has the helm I like, a storm bolter I like, and a closed power fist for punching. That way, if I cave and buy both an UM and BA terminator, they would have the least overlap.
Is that preorder date, or release date? I wouldn't be surprised if the UM got a super fast release.