>>10499469Like with all places, most people don't create, but merely consume and discuss things others have created. Still, /lg/ has had its peaks of quality content and those have served as inspiration to me.
>>10499473You are missing the point. It does not matter what the company does at this point, where they take it or what agenda they push or don't push.
LEGO as a system will not die because it is already past that point. The parts exist, the ideas exist, and from that point on all you have to do is to make your own world/theme/set however you see fit.
The company and all production could cease tomorrow, and to me it would not make much of a difference.
If you dislike the current line-up and offering simply: do not buy them and buy/build what you enjoy.
>>10499500As long as there are parts, ideas, and a willingness to stay true to what you consider "peak LEGO", then we never really left.
>>10505776But the dream isn't.