>>10613048I agree it is likely subtle racism, but in the case of the new movies, I think costume design also shot them in the foot hard. This homely, plain aesthetic was just not it. I love John Boyega, but man, Finn's outfit was dull as fuck. Same with Jannah, extremely boring aside from her goggles. Greeg Karga looks like a futuristic FedEx worker. Moff Gideon and Reva are both just Vader OC donut steels. Lando looks cool but that's mostly because Donald Glover just looks cool, his outfit is nothing special. Just remixed old Lando with good color choices.
My favorite is definitely Saw Gerrera. The minute he stepped on screen I was internally yelling "Him! That's the one I want a toy of!" (so of course Hasbro dragged their feet making him.) Just look at him, Forest Whitaker looking and sounding like a badass with a hoarse 8 packs a day voice. His cobbled-together armor with all these tacticool straps and buckles and the weird breathing tubes and facemask. His robotic foot. The dirty red cape draped around him. What a great character design. I wish he'd played a bigger part in the movie, cause a Hot Toys of this would have been incredible.