>>10515763Man. I really do have to hand it to NA. I dabbled with a couple of IF figures and was not impressed with them at all, so I wrote 3P legends off completely. Then I saw NA's toy styled Prime, and thought it looked neat. I love those old G1 boxart battle scenes, and have always fixated on how the toy details and proportions were translated into that art, so NA's take on these figures seemed like the closest thing we'd ever get to those.
I really liked their Prime, it hit just the right spot of being complex enough for it's size...but then I thought, well I've gotta have the Megatron as a companion piece...you can't have Prime without Megatron...
It snowballed from there. Over the past year, I have collected every single one of their toy deco releases. I'm going to keep buying them. I am NA's eternal bitch.