>>10554769This is just my opinion, but I think we've been starved for figures with actual heroic physiques in the US market. Hasbro's figures look like shrimpy cosplayers and often have fucked up proportions. Todd's DC physiques generally are very nice, with well-defined musculature that actually looks like someone studied anatomy. Shoulders and chest broad, head appropriately sized, most everything is the right length and thickness (for example, Hasbro has a real problem with making shins too long in particular). He also tends to do a lot of original sculpts, unlike Hasbro's constant lazy buck reuse, and I dig the way he does texture. Usually adding texture to simple costumes pisses me off, but they're struck a good middleground IMO. It makes the figure look detailed while not being distracting.
It's not the greatest shit I've ever seen, and Todd definitely makes mistakes too. But for $20-25, the look of the bodies alone is worth it to me. The fact that the articulation model is pretty good nowadays, and the rubber capes are actually the least annoying ones I've ever dealt with, are the icing on the cake. It's a nice line overall, I'm quite happy with the ones I own.