>>10625515>I typed out like 5 paragraphs and deleted them.I really wish you hadn't this is exactly the type of speculation autism I'm interested in and don't pursue. I'm an /smg/ poster but once a season I drop about 1k on plastic whether vidya or figs etc. That's only after exactly like you said maxing out the ROTH IRA having 15% in the 401K with half employer match and adding 250 a month to my brokerage account of comfy dividends. I cannot fathom the retards who actually do this only to have a store of trash no one will buy or end up being beat by the market when people can just buy it retail or used of craigslist etc etc when initial hype has died down.
The only person I know who makes money off these things is my Lego fren who legit builds and buys the insane limit print sets and then just sells them only after they are no longer in circulation like 3 years later. He buys 3 of them for whatever 200 bucks and then sells them for 400, 500, 600 !if they sell! and if they don't he will trickle the first two down to 350 300 to make minimal profit and try and trade the last one with other collectors for a set he wants to build holy grail etc etc etc
I find it interesting but it really reeks of shitcoin desperation. I wouldn't even hedge with shit like this unless like
>>10625563said it was a product I actually liked.