>>10696928Also the Bohrok-Kal being the equivalent of filler meant that the Rahkshi didn't get to strike while the iron was hot, and they lost their chance to be the true counterparts of the Nuva, forcing them to be retooled/reworked in such a way as to make them not-Bohrok but instead Makuta's Sons.
Which isn't bad, mind (Makuta ripping the slugs out of his body in the film was always awesome and the fact the actual set can do this too is just a very nice touch) but it's still unfortunate, as I think they'd have been even better if they'd gone in first. Given how the Rahkshi sold exceptionally well while the Kal tend to be pretty reviled it says a lot. And while you 'could' argue it was for budget reasons I do honestly enjoy the fact that the Kal are exempt from pretty much every game except the PS2/PC/2003 one where all six get fucking wrecked by Gali Nuva. Without those stolen powers, that's probably not unreasonable either.
I do really love the Rahkshi, and they did still do their jobs quite well in the story, but I do think it'd have been better if they'd gotten to follow the original plan.
But honestly, despite my dislike of them, the Bohrok Kal are just a small mar on a fantastically well done story to me, and I'd still say that I think the Original Years of 2001 to 2003 are absolute peak and just never got outdone.
That's not to say I don't like the rest of the years, though.
Heck, especially close behind is Mahri-Nui to me, and I am very very fond of the Barraki and Toa Mahri and all the stuff in the pit and the desperate frantic search for the Mask of Life and the payoff for all of Matoro's buildup (Matoro being one of my favorite characters in the series even). So, while I do believe the original island's setting and storyline never got outdone, The Pit dpes come pretty close.